

Welcoming the Month of Ramadan

 "O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting
as it was decreed upon those before you
that you may become God-conscious." (2:183)

The month of Ramadan is upon us; the Prophet  mentioned in this good hadith (narration of the sayings or actions of the Prophet) that when the month of Ramadan comes, the gates of Paradise are opened and the doors of the Hell-fire are closed and that the devils are chained (Ahmad and an-Nasa'i).

With the approach of the month of Ramadan, the Muslim is supposed to start a new leaf with Allah, his fellow human beings as well as all his surroundings. On this new leaf, he should first declare sincere repentance from all sins committed in order for him to be eligible for Allah’s reward in the blessed month of Ramadan


As Muslims, for us to maximize the reward in this blessed month, we need to be mindful of actions that we must either regularly engage in or refrain from completely. In other words, some of the Dos and Don’ts in the Holy month of Ramadan is outlined below;


  1. Have suhuur, which refers to the pre-dawn meal, and try to have it just before the dawn.
  2. Rush to break the fast as soon as one is certain that sunset has commenced is recommended.
  3. Try to break your fast by having an odd number of fresh or dry dates. If they are not immediately available, have a glass of water.
  4. Another recommendation for the Ramadan is that one must increase his recitation, loud or mental, or study of the Qu’ran.
  5. Observe the Taraweeh prayers. This is another essential element of this Holy month in addition to the five daily prayers. Taraweeh prayers are to be performed after Isha prayer each day to create a stronger bond with Allah Almighty and to gain the blessings of Allah (SWT).
  6. Give charity or Zakat in this Holy Month as we know Ramadan is all about helping others and feeling their pain.
  7. It is recommended that one uses Miswaak, which refers to a piece of the root of tree Araak found in Hijaaz region in Arabian Peninsula, for cleaning the teeth.



  • Avoid blood cupping, blood withdrawal, and using ear drops or inhalers while fasting.
  • Do not listen to music because your heart should be occupied with supplication, remembrance of Allah, and the Holy Quran, not with songs.
  • Do not waste your time. The days and nights of Ramadan are too precious to be wasted away watching TV, going on shopping, oversleeping, and other useless activities.
  • Do not engage in idle talk, gossip, lying, quarreling, cursing, or any form of speech that is unnecessary and has no benefit. The Prophet (SAW) said, “Whoever does not give up false speech and acting upon it, Allah has no need of him giving up his food and drink.” (Al-Bukhari)
  • Fasting gives the lesson of sacrifice and forgiveness; hence, during Ramadan, a Muslim must not hold grudges and indulge in fighting people. Start forgiving people and whatever little mistakes people commit try to be tolerant and forgiving towards them.
  • Another thing that fasting in Ramadan teaches is tolerance and patience. Getting angry during Ramadan is one thing that a Muslim must try to avoid and increase patience and tolerance.
  • Don’t refuse an Iftar when invited if it’s possible. In fact, organize your own Iftar for your friends and family members.

Last updated Apr 1, 2022

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